Thursday, September 17, 2009


on tuesday a student asked me if i was pregnant.

5 minutes after that class i was walking into the library to complain to my librarian friend about the student asking me if i was pregnant in front of the whole class and i bumped into a parent volunteer who was helping kids check out books.

she asked me if i was pregnant.

no lie. 2 times within 30 minutes i was asked if i was pregnant and both times i had to say no, but i was pregnant almost 5 months ago.

with ample motivation, wednesday i stayed after school to attend a free zumba class offered here. if you don't know what zumba is, click here . i guess the idea of the class is to shake off the fat? i don't really get it... but i will say things were shaking and flopping and moving in ways no one should ever have to see. im not sure if it hurt my muscles or my self esteem more to see myself in the giant dance room mirrors trying to 'salsa' and 'thrust' my fat away. just picture the final dance scene of napoleon dynamite. only im wearing stretchy pants and i need to pump. it was awesome on so many levels.

needless to say, this evening i still plan on exercising, but a brisk walk with porter in the jogger is probably all i can hack. baby steps. i have done something active (walking, yoga, zumba) everyday since saturday. i can't wait until i can finally get back to jogging. again, baby steps.

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